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Friday, March 14, 2014

One Night of Sin by Veronica Velvet


Sighing, I place my glasses on the desk before me. Glancing at the clock, it’s only eight pm. I still have another hour before I can close up here, go home, curl up with some wine and a Channing Tatum flick. The book I’m reading is getting real steamy and I don’t want to read it here. I want to be home, in my bath tub with my Form 6 G3. The toy is an invention of heaven. Fiddling with the nameplate on my desk, I trace the letters with my fingers. I could be naughty and bring it to work with me one day. This makes me smile to myself.
Head Librarian
Lissette Banning
Yes, that’s me. A thirty year old, lonely librarian. I loved books growing up so much that I got spent a lot of money on an education about them. Now I run the library public library here in Canadaigua, NY all by myself. From the time it opens in the morning, until it closes at night. Nine to nine. Some would think its hard working twelve hour days, five days a week. I don’t mind though. It’s not like I have a life. I never head over to the slopes to ski, I don’t partake in wine tours. Some people laugh and find it funny that I live in Wine Country and don’t do the tours. Why would I when it’s only me? For someone like me who spends years with their nose in a book, you end up missing so much that goes on around you. This, I’ve learned the hard way for myself.
Pushing the current romance novel away from me, I slide my glasses back on my face. It’s not like anyone comes in after six at night anyways, but who knows. There could be some college student needing late night studying or help with a term paper. I don’t mind missing out on night life. It’s not like I date. I don’t have many friends other than the people who come in here to read or talk about books. I don’t go out to dinner and the last boyfriend I had was in my first year of college. Unlike the amazing romantic erotica I read now, the sex wasn’t that great and I’ve had nothing to compare it with since except myself. I’m not a lesbian or anything, but I just don’t see the point in wasting time with a man who can’t please me like I can. A good book, a good vibrator and that’s all I’ve ever needed. 

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Twitter: https://twitter.com/VelvetVeronica (@VelvetVeronica)

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